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Ethan vs Seyed


This match-up was requested by Ethan Roberts (no relation to the Ethan in this post).

Location: Blinker City, Yodieland.
Round 1: Boxing
Round 2: MMA
Round 3: Anything goes (Street Fight)

Both characters are in their respective primes. Rounds end through knockout. 

  1. Strength: Seyed >= Ethan. His strength feats scale above what we have seen Ethan do so far in the story. 
  2. Speed: Ethan >= Seyed. Based on feats from the soccer arc, we can place Ethan's short-distance speed at or above Seyed's. 
  3. Combat Speed: Ethan >= Seyed. Similar to the point above, the soccer arc places Ethan's reaction time and reflexes above Seyed's. Examples of this would be his defensive skills and his ability to dive in accurately.
  4. Durability: Seyed > Ethan. Ethan has shown no substantial durability feats so far, while Seyed has shown to be capable of tanking hits from heavy hitters -- such as Charlie Hekkler -- and easily continue fighting.
  5. Battle IQ: Seyed > Ethan. Seyed's experience has resulted in a higher level of adaptability. His track record includes Hozaifa, James, Charlie, and Arya to list a few. All three of these individuals represented a different style he was forced to adapt to. For example, Hozaifa had a huge reach advantage, which he countered using grappling.
  6. Experience: Seyed > Ethan. Same as above.
  7. Combat Skill: Ethan > Seyed. While this may seem contradictory to the previous points, this is based on formal training the person has. Seyed's experience might be more than Ethan's, but it is not enough to develop a polished fighting style. On the other hand, Ethan has shown on several occasions to know basic techniques from wrestling/grappling. Most notably, these techniques were shown during snowball fights in prior years.
  8. Mentality: Seyed > Ethan. One of Seyed's best attributes is in fact the mentality difference between him and his opponents. He adopts Kobe Bryant's idea of "mamba mentality," which means he will not go down unless dealt a finishing blow. Not only that, but he actually enjoys the adrenaline rush of a fight meaning that psychological tactics will not work on him.
  9. Abilities/Hax: Seyed >= Ethan. This is essentially Demon vs Goblin mode, and I think Demon Mode might edge out the victory in this situation. Demon Mode provides a stats amp along with a killer instinct, while Goblin Mode is much more about using your environment to your advantage. Both are lethal abilities but in the current format, Demon > Goblin.
  10.  Reach: Seyed = Ethan.
  11. Coordination: Ethan > Seyed. Once again, this is due to his feats from the soccer arc. His hand-eye and foot-eye coordination is superior to that of Seyed's, and by a relatively large margin as well.
In terms of pure points, we have that Seyed wins, 6 - 5. In terms of feats, we simply haven't seen as much from Ethan Roberts in comparison. Maybe later on in the story, we will see more of his true abilities.


Round 1: This is the round that Ethan has the highest chance of winning. His superior agility, coordination, and combat skill are reminiscent of Arya's style. But not only that, all of Ethan's stats scale above the rest of Arya's stats, making him much more dangerous in the ring. As long as he can keep avoiding the majority of Seyed's blows and land critical strikes, he has a good chance of winning this round. Ethan wins 60% of the time.

Round 2: Ethan begins to struggle in this format because of Seyed's versatility, Battle IQ, and experience. His preferred method of fighting is freestyle as well, which already puts Ethan at a disadvantage. The main reason why this round is still close is because of Ethan's combat skill and experience in basic wrestling techniques, which can definitely cause trouble for Seyed. Overall, Seyed wins 50-60% of the time.

Round 3: Fighting dirty. This is a situation where Battle IQ is most important, which gives Seyed a large boost. Along with that, his mamba mentality allows him to keep moving forward despite potential injuries. Demon and Goblin Modes are also known to activate more easily during street fights, meaning that Seyed's Demon Mode advantage comes into play as well. However, this is definitely still not a curbstomp. Ethan's overall stats make this still a difficult fight to win. As a result, Seyed wins 60% of the time. 




  1. Replies
    1. This is an interesting matchup, since we haven't seen much from either character so far in the story. I'll definitely keep it in mind! Bless up and thanks for visiting! One love!

  2. I'm not really in Nonfiction Writing so I don't know how I found my way across this post. Overall, I'd say this was a really creative post. Even though the blog post specifies that both characters are fictional, I definitely noticed some parallels to real life in terms of the abilities and names you chose. Great job!

  3. Does the Charlie Hechler in the story have any relation to the Charlie Hechler in our class? Thanks

    1. No, any similarities are clearly coincidental, as stated in the beginning and the end. Life is crazy sometimes.

    2. Also it says Charlie Hekkler not Charlie Hechler

  4. can we do arjun v gus as well? please?

    1. Definitely looking into that one! The dynamic between the two is unbelievable, with GC's longer range and Kalala's Berserker techniques.


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