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GCMills vs The Fictional Arya T


This fight was requested by long-time Versus fan, Gus.


Both characters are in their prime.

Round 1: Boxing

Round 2: Street Fight

Bonus Round: Prep time.

1. Strength: Arya > GCMills. Based on current feats in the story, Arya definitively places himself above GCMills. Despite his smaller stature and lightweight status, he has been seen lifting weights comparable to larger characters, including individuals stronger than GCMills. However, his real strength comes from his superior striking power. His punches have been shown to deal more damage than the average fighter. However, part of this scaling might be biased in favor of Arya due to GCMills' lack of feats in the mainline story. 

2. Speed: Arya ~ GCMills. In terms of speed, both characters have been to be relative. While Arya most likely has the advantage in sprinting due to the soccer arc and the training he went through during the track arc, GCMills has been shown to be an extremely capable runner in his own right. His feats during the first few arcs of the story, including the X-Country arc displayed much higher endurance than Arya and a higher speed over long distances. For this reason, they are tied.

3. Combat Speed: Arya > GCMills. This one is a definitive win for Arya due to several reasons. The most basic reason would be his feats in the soccer arc once again. The agility he has shown is leagues beyond many characters that would be considered fast in their own right. He's been shown to be relative to characters such as Gideon, TChem, and BChang, all of which scale far above GCMills. But more importantly, his past combat record cements his superiority in this category. The agility on display in his most important battle was phenomenal for a rookie. This feat is also amped by the time difference between this fight and his debut fight since he has had time to further improve his skills.

4. Durability: Arya ~ GCMills. This one is especially hard to decide since both characters are known to be glass cannons/dexterity builds. By feats, I would be inclined to give this one to Arya, but this is once again a case of bias. We have not seen much from GCMills in this category, so the point would seem unfair. This is doubly true since GCMills would seem to logically have the advantage, owing to his larger size. Due to the previous reasons, I have deemed this to be a tie.

5. Battle IQ: Arya > GCMills. Arya mainly owes his victory in this category to the soccer arc and his debut battle. In both the Soccer Arc and Civil War Arc (where he had his debut battle) he showed a remarkable ability to keep calm under stress. His composure is so great in fact, that it overrides GCMills' lack of feats in this category.

6. Experience: Arya > GCMills. Obviously, the Civil War Arc provided Arya with previous experience.

7. Combat Skill: Arya > GCMills. Same as the above.

8. Mentality: GCMills > Arya. While Arya definitely has a respectable mentality, there are few who can challenge the GCMills Killer Instinct. The Killer Instinct exterminates any feelings of doubt and uses every negative emotion to fuel his onslaught. It's an absolutely top-tier mentality, with some even considering it a special ability.

9. Abilities/Hax: GCMills > Arya. Arya's main perk comes from having several abilities, those being Jester's Court (psychological attacks to derail the opponent), Achille's Hook (10% chance to land a critical hit), and Shadow Step (gives him a 0.5-second future sight, enhancing his dodging). While these are all useful abilities, they simply don't compare to the broken hax of GCMills: Hell's Intruder. He has a 30% chance of "adding" himself to the opponent's guard. In essence, this means he can destroy their defense and then proceed to land a direct shot at them. This ability is absolutely broken since it functions as a form of durability negation. An ability like this can end up turning the tides in a fight or even functioning as a finishing move. 

10. Reach: GCMills > Arya. GCMills has a large reach advantage owing to his height.

11. Coordination: Arya > GCMills. Soccer arc proved that one of Arya's best traits is his coordination.

Point breakdown:

The Fictional Arya T: 8

GCMills: 5

Round 1: Boxing. Arya has a 70% of taking this, equating to a high diff victory. His agility, speed, accuracy, and coordination are a bit too much for GCMills to handle, despite the mentality and Hell's Intruder advantages he has. GCMills' best chance is to stay further back, using his range to chip away at Arya and waiting for a chance to use Hell's Intruder. Even this, however, is a risky strategy due to Jester's Court potentially provoking GCMills, Achille's Hook landing a critical, and Shadow Step to avoid the long-range blows.

Round 2: Street Fight. Arya has a 55% chance of taking this, making it an extreme diff victory. While Arya has a raw stats advantage over GCMills, in a street fight scenario where anything can happen, that is not enough to guarantee a victory. The Killer Instinct along with his longer reach and better Hax can lead to worst-case scenarios for Arya. It would be extremely in character for GCMills to use a baseball bat to land devastating blows to finish the fight. When fighting GC, always remember: you're not fighting to win, you're fighting to survive. Arya is fortunate to have the extra stats, or else this would definitely be his loss.

Bonus Round: 2 Hours of Prep Time.

Location: The Twin Cities (Double Penjamin City), 2 miles apart from each other.

I would have to give this one to Arya, 60% chance/high-extreme diff. His Battle IQ, experience, and composure allow him to plan ahead and anticipate anything GCMills might throw at him. The main problem that makes this an issue for Arya is the Killer Instinct. GCMills will try to find the most surefire way to annihilate his opponent, even if it is against the Geneva Conventions. Time and time again he has shown a lack of empathy for his opponents, as seen in World War 1 and 2. On the other hand, Arya has shown humanity when fighting, meaning he might not expect the GC brutality.

Overall, we have that Arya is favored to win, high-extreme diff.

This was a very interesting matchup and I enjoyed researching both characters. I look forward to the next post. See you guys next week.



  1. While this blog post was extremely well researched, one thing that I think you forgot to take into account is that GCMills is actually the reincarnation of Jesus Christ, which is something I feel would turn the tide of the battle in his favor.
    My next matchup suggestion is Arjun Kala vs Eric Hong.

    1. That was not stated in the lore. Stop making up headcanon.

    2. Until I can find more feats for Eric Hong, I will not be using him in match ups. Sorry.


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